Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Student Reflections - Katie

Today was a very fun filled adventure! We started out our morning with a great breakfast and then took a nice boat ride to Placencia in the Silk Cayes to go snorkeling!! The boat ride lasted about an hour but it was a beautiful ride. We arrived at a small island, surrounded by crystal clear water! I personally have never seen anything like it. Throughout the day we swam with SHARKS, sting rays, sea turtles, and other types of fish and plants. To my surprise the sharks were not intimidating at all. On the other hand swimming with the sea turtles spiked my adrenaline due to their playful demeanor. Today's experience was by far one of the top 10 experiences of my life! I want to say a special thanks to the terrific crew that took us out, and to those who made this trip possible for me to have these wonderful experiences. At the end of the trip our group of UofL students played a nice game of "football" with the local children. Unfortunately we took the loss 10-9 but it was by far the most fun I have ever had losing. I am so thankful for this amazing experience and look forward to the next days to come!

Thanks and Much Love

Katie Benz

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