Saturday, May 4, 2013

Student Reflection - Katie

Hello again, readers! Yesterday was our last day at Red Bank Elementary, so we decided it would be good to walk around the village and interview some of the families. Jamie and I came across a very sweet family. The family members that lived in this one hut included the mother, father, grandmother (age 88), three daughters, a granddaughter, and a grandson. Keep in mind their hut is 15 x 10, they sleep in hammocks or on the floor, and have little furniture. This family was so kind to answer some questions for us and share information about their village. They said that they want people to know how beautiful their village is and how hard they work to provide food and shelter for their family. The men work in the banana fields and the women stay at home and take care of the babies, cook, and clean. They value education so their younger children have the chance to earn a education and find a job that will provide for their family. They enjoy playing soccer with their family for fun or having cookouts. At the end of the interview the mother asked if I would take a picture of her grandson and I told her I'd be more than happy to. She then asked if I had time so that she could change his clothes into his Sunday best. I said of course and she then proceeded to change his worn down clothes into a nice green polo and blue jean shorts. She found a comb and combed his hair and placed him in a small chair. I took his beautiful picture. Afterwards I showed her the picture of him and she asked if there was any way I could print it off for her. I spoke with Dr. Pentecost and when she returns in July she is going to deliver the picture to the family. I can't really explain in words how sweet this moment was and how happy she is to know that in a few months she will have a picture of her grandson to hold in her hands.

Until Next Time!
Much Love!

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