Monday, May 6, 2013

Student Reflection - Casey

Today was our first day teaching at San Pablo.  It was such an amazing experience working with these students.  We first did assessments on the students to determine if they needed help with decoding or comprehension.  Afterwards each ITE student had their own station where they taught their lesson in a small group setting.  The students rotated from station to station.  I really enjoyed teaching in the small group because I felt like the students were getting more out of each lesson and I was able to get to know a larger amount of the students this way than teaching in a large group setting.  I also think it was really benefical for the students because they were getting to complete many new activites as well as learning a wide range of informaion more than they would have learned if they were taught just one lesson.

The best part of the day was getting to interact with the students.  We all thought they were going to be really shy around us since we were the first group of people to come to their village to teach.  We were wrong!  The students were so excited to see us and made as feel more than welcomed in their village.  We played with a jumprope, they kicked a ball around, and we even taught them how to play Duck, Duck, Goose.  A few of the students even showed me around their village and showed me where they lived.  Afterwards some of the kids took us down to the river to show us where they spend a lot of their free  time.  The river was absolutely beautifull.  The funniest part was as  soon as we got down to the river several little boys jumped in and some of the girls jumped in the water in their school uniforms.   A few of them even swam to the other side and swung on the rope swing into the water.  Overall it was an amazing day and I am looking forward to going back again tomorrow but it makes me sad knowing tomorrow is my last day with the students and my last day in the schools on this trip.

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