Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Final Post

Since last October when we sent out the acceptance e-mails, we have been looking forward to the International Teaching Experience (ITE).  The 18 students that were selected for the trip worked to raise funds, registered for a three hour class, and started the preparation for the trip.  They learned about the culture, history, geography, customs, government, and schools in Belize.  One of our partner schools in Belize sent us a list of topics in March, and the elementary education students focused on reading .  The CEHD students worked hard to develop appropriate lessons and gather resources and supplied needed to teach the lessons that they had planned. 

We arrived eleven days ago.  For six days, the CEHD taught in the schools of Georgetown Technical High School, Red Bank Primary School, and San Pablo Primary School.  We had to be flexible and make adjustments as we went along.  As part of the program, our students were paired with Belizean teachers.  They worked hard to learn classroom management, student names, routines, and culture.  The schools that we worked in embraced our students and made them part of their faculty.

Nina Beck and I have had the pleasure of watching this group of CEHD students in this experience.  They have done an amazing job.  They were well prepared, flexible, and embraced the schools, teachers, and children of Belize.  They were wonderful ambassadors for our College and our University.  We want to recognize their work and their dedication to being better teachers and world citizens. 

We also want to thank the families and loved ones of the ITE participants.  I know that it was difficult to allow them to travel to a foreign country for 12 days.  Yet, you encouraged them and supported them as they planned and traveled.  Please know how much we appreciate your sacrifice!  You would be very proud of how much they accomplished on the trip.  I know that Nina and I are proud of them!

We also need to thank our leadership team of Shavon Wagner, Tyler Morris, and Olivia Kaiser who worked tirelessly to make sure that all the logistics were in order.  They were a fantastic team!

Thank you for following our blog this week.  We appreciate your interest and support of this project. 

Best Regards,
Dr. Margaret Pentecost

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