Thursday, May 2, 2013

Student Reflection - Leah

Today was our third day at Red Bank Elementary School and it just keeps getting better everyday. We started out our morning with another amazing breakfast at Cardie's. After breakfast, and the ride to the school I had a little time to play "catcher" with the kids and talk to the teacher about our plans for the day. Once class began, I had an amazing opportunity to meet with a supervisor from the University of Belize. He was there observing my teacher, Mr. Cho, who is getting his Bachelors degree in Education. It was very interesting to see how they assess their teachers and how similar they do things compared to us at UofL.
After lunch, Jessica and I continued working on story elements of fairy tales. We had the students compare and contrast 3 different Cinderella stories of different cultures. Afterwards, they started creating their very own class fairy tale. Tomorrow they will finish their stories and present them to the class.
Lastly, we went out to the field with the class for their period of P.E. While all of the boys played football, Jessica and I took the girls to play a few games. We played Little Sally Walker, duck duck goose, Red Rover, and I even taught them a few cheers. We had so much fun, it was hard to say goodbye. 
This week has been such an incredible experience. Going into this trip, I was very nervous and had no idea what to expect. Unlike any of my colleagues, I have not taken any language arts or reading methods classes. After this experience, I have learned that as long as you have the students best interest in mind and give it your all, that is what really matters and what makes a great teacher! 

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