Thursday, May 2, 2013

Student Reflection - Jessica

Belize has been an amazing adventure! I can't believe that yesterday I was dodging Loggerhead Turtles, Nurse Sharks, and sting rays! That was an amazing experience, although I am a little lobsterish today. Teaching in Red Bank has been incredible and eye-opening. I have met some wonderful kids and teachers, and have been surprised by how similar some of their teaching methods are to ours. I know these kids have it rougher than we do in the states, but being here really makes you appreciate the simple things in life. We get so caught up in the "things" we have back home that we sometimes lose sight of how to really enjoy one another. I love seeing the community there is in the village; people joining their neighbors just to talk, the kids running around playing marbles, soccer, and catcher. I really miss my family and it has been a hard experience leaving my little girl for such a long time, but I have made some great friends and have been very lucky to get a fantastic roommate. Leah and I have become great friends and have lucked out and have been able to teach together. We are teaching the students about fairy tales and having them create their own fairy tale to present to one another. I am so glad to get to work with her! 
<3 Jessica

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