Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Student Reflection - Jamie

Hello Readers,
As we finish up our last dinner at Cardies, things are starting to set in that this amazing experience is almost over! Today was our last day at San Pablo and it was just as hard saying goodbye to them as it was to the kids at Red Bank. For the first hour, we got the privilege of watching the teachers teach their children. I have to commend them for their ability of using their limited source of supplies to do the same things we do in America. For lunch instead of the ol' PB&J, the teachers prepared a hot meal for us. It consisted of rice with chicken and slaw. It was absolutely delicious! During this time we talked to the teachers about our experience at their school and what we are able to take away from it. I know that my peers could agree that we are so thankful for the way the school and community let us come in and accepted us with open arms. As I wrap up my college career, with graduation 4 days away (YAY), I have been able to take a lot away from this trip. I am so thankful for this opportunity and for the adventures Dr. Pentecost and Nina have taken us on. I know that I will treasure every moment and picture from this trip and remember to always be thankful for the things I have, no matter how little they are.

Yours Truly,
Jamie Collins

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