Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Student Reflections - Hannah

Hello readers!  Hannah here... checking in from Belize after an unforgettable day.  We started the morning off right with some local eggs, ham, biscuits, and lime juice.  Next thing you know, we were grabbing our scuba gear at SPLASH, and sipping on fruit punch (my new favorite juice).  After I finished my juice, we loaded on a boat and headed to a private island where we would carry out the snorkeling mission.  Now, I've been scuba diving before...but let me be the first to tell you, this island was one of a kind.  Within the first 5 minutes, I was checking out a Nurse Shark....then a Dori fish...Lion fish...jelly of name it!  I even came face-to-face with a BARACUDA!

After our first mission, the crew called us in for lunch.  Usually, we get a PBJ and some crackers, but not today!!!  While we were out burning our backsides, they were on the island grilling BBQ chicken and cheesy potatoes.  Lucky for me, Shanice is a I got double chicken!  With about a half an hour to hang out on the island, I grabbed a dried up coconut and some friends and started playing football.  Emily had a steller diving catch out in the water, and Liam surprised me with a Hail Mary throw along the shoreline ;)

As if this wasn't enough fun for one day, we loaded up the boats again and headed out for a second mission to scuba with the 150 lb sea turtles!!!!!!  I won't try to explain this one in words, but hopefully some of the pictures will give you an idea of just how cool this was.  Let me just say, God didn't cut any corners with his creation of the seas ;)

I think Katie explained the rest of the evening, so I'm going to stop there and go apply another coat of aloe.

Stay tuned


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