Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Student Reflection - Jasmine

Today was our last day teaching and it was truly a bitter-sweet situation.  Before ending our day we were asked what we took away most from this experience. During our group talk I didn’t have much to say. But after some deep thought, I realized that this is one of the most amazing experiences of my life. After leaving Belize I will not only be a better teacher but a better overall person. I am now a more humble, appreciative, and resourceful person. When I get back to the United States there is no way I could ever go back to the person that I once was. I am forever changed.  There are so many things that I learned that I can bring back that can positively impact my future students in the USA. I originally thought I would come to Belize and have this huge impact, but I found that Belize had a greater impact on me. I thank God for this wonderful experience, it is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity. I hope that all the other UofL students take away something great from this opportunity. I KNOW I did!!!

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