Thursday, April 4, 2013


Welcome to the official blog of The 2013 International Teaching Experience in Belize! This is the best source for updates about the trip’s progress, the students involved, and for perspectives from the students and faculty about the experience at every stage. On April 27 we will depart from Louisville to Atlanta and from there to Belize. Once in Belize, we will travel south to the Stann Creek district.  If you look on the map below, we will be living and working near Big Creek in the village of Independence.

Our team consists of 16 current students from the College of Education and Human Development, two student leaders from last year’s trip, and three faculty members. We could not be more excited for the cultural and educational opportunities awaiting us in one of the most beautiful countries in the world.
We will be working primarily in three locations. Our three secondary teacher candidates will be working in Georgetown Technical High School, while the primary school team (K – 8th grade) will be working in two locations, Red Bank Primary School and San Pablo Primary School. Through this teaching experience, it is our goal that our students gain valuable knowledge working with students from a different culture. As our student population in the United States continues to grow and diversify, this experience is increasingly necessary and valuable. We also plan to help our teacher candidates grow in collaboration with faculty on the trip, their mentor teachers, and with each other. Finally, we hope to increase their global competence by participating in a variety of cultural excursions.
Please feel free to post comments, greetings, or questions in the comments section of any posts.  Our team will be posting information, pictures and daily reflections. We are looking forward to walking through this experience with our team and the readers at home.

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