Sunday, April 28, 2013

Daily Reflections

We began today with breakfast at Cahal Pech, our hotel from that evening. After a lovely breakfast we headed out to Xunantunich, a Mayan ruin located just outside of San Ignacio. We spent most of the morning exploring (and climbing!) a truly beautiful part of the Belizian culture. Afterwards the group headed back across the ferry and stopped by local vendors to shop for various handmade souvenirs. We then departed for lunch at the Orange Gift Shop on our way to Independence and our home for the remainder of the trip, Cardies Motel.

Our next adventure starts now! Students are currently preparing for a group dinner with the teachers they will be working with in the schools. We are meeting them all at Georgetown Technical High School for dinner and introductions. After dinner we will spend some time debriefing, preparing for our first day in the schools tomorrow, and getting some well earned rest after a long exciting day.

1 comment:

  1. Best wishes to each of you for a successful first day in the classroom tomorrow. You all will do great!
