Sunday, April 28, 2013

Student Reflections - Olivia

After viewing the Mayan Ruins, meeting the locals and a long van ride through the mountains, we finally made it to Independence, Belize. From there we departed to Georgetown High School where the students met the teachers they will be working with in the upcoming days. The teachers and UofL students enjoyed a fabulous dinner and were engaged in great conversation. The purpose of this dinner is to help everyone get to know each other and get a brief description of the days ahead. It helps to relieve any stress people may be having and makes the first day at the schools more comfortable. Looking back at my experience from last year, I loved the opportunity to meet my teacher prior to the first day in the school. It allowed me to get a sense of the students and the classroom I worked with. As the night winds down, we are putting the final touches on our lesson plans for tomorrow. I am excited to start working in the schools and watching the progression of our teams hard work.  - Olivia Kaiser

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