Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Student Reflection - Shanice

Today we went to a school in San Pablo!  This was the first time anyone from an ITE trip had ever been to this school.  We will be teaching and doing a reading activity on Monday and Tuesday, so today was just a fun day to get to know the kids there.  When we first arrived the students were a bit shy, but it didn't take long before they were taking pictuers with us, playing "catcher" or tag as we know it, playing ring around the rosie and patty cake!  The students there were so excited to see all of us and had a million and one questions!  We were surprised at how eager and outgoing they were since we had never worked with this school before.  We had so much fun running around and playing with these students!  They showed us the inside of their classrooms and became very attached to us, it was really hard to say goodbye!  They were so full of life and excitement, it was contagious!  I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say that we can not wait to go back to see the students at San Pablo again! :)

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