Monday, April 29, 2013

Student Reflections - Gillian

Today was absolutely amazing. I am at Georgetown Technical High School where there are currently approximately 490 students in the school. I have the honor of working with two excellent teachers, Ms. Pat and Ms. Flores, from whom I have already learned a lot from about the art of teaching. A lot of their methods and styles are similar to the teaching styles exhibited in the states which shows that teaching methods and styles are universal. I was excited to have my lesson being co-taught by my teacher and myself to the Form 2 students which is the equivalent of our 10th graders. We introduced parallel lines to the students and had them identify parallel lines in their every day life. We then took a walk around the school and pointed out parallel lines that the students could see in the structures of their buildings and sidewalks. Upon returning to the classroom we were able to use a worksheet that I provided that allowed for collaborative group work between the students and a whole classroom discussion amongst the whole class. Today was great and I look forward to leading the class these next few days. The beauty of math is that it is the same and every language and even though we are separated by cultures and life styles, we are able to come together as one on this beautiful language called math. Ahhhhhh I think I just fell in love with math all over again lol. I am so grateful for this experience and look forward to more experiences to come. Oh and I'm so flattered by all the attention I've been getting. Dr. Pentecost told me that the men and boys here love women of color and she wasn't wrong. Both the girls and boys commented on how beautiful I am. Yessss these kids have great taste lol and I may have to stay a while.  Again this is amazing and I am humbled for this experience. Thank you so much to the University of Louisville and the School of Education for making this experience a  reality.

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