Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Student Reflections - Sarah

This morning we were invited to attend the weekly assembly at Georgetown. One class of students led an assembly with dancing and singing. The Belize National Anthem is beautiful! Later, we went to our separate classes. The 2nd form students (Sophomores) worked on their essay writing skills with individual dry erase boards. The 3rd form students began working on group brainstorming for their expository pieces. Many of them are writing to me so I can learn how to make Belizian food! I am really excited about that! Yummy!

Student Reflection - Shanice

Today we went to a school in San Pablo!  This was the first time anyone from an ITE trip had ever been to this school.  We will be teaching and doing a reading activity on Monday and Tuesday, so today was just a fun day to get to know the kids there.  When we first arrived the students were a bit shy, but it didn't take long before they were taking pictuers with us, playing "catcher" or tag as we know it, playing ring around the rosie and patty cake!  The students there were so excited to see all of us and had a million and one questions!  We were surprised at how eager and outgoing they were since we had never worked with this school before.  We had so much fun running around and playing with these students!  They showed us the inside of their classrooms and became very attached to us, it was really hard to say goodbye!  They were so full of life and excitement, it was contagious!  I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say that we can not wait to go back to see the students at San Pablo again! :)

Student Reflection - Angela

Today was our second day at the elementary school in Red Bank, and it was amazing. The children are so eager to please and want to show you everything. Today I was able to take my class outside for a reading lesson and give the children a chance to move. This was a welcome change from the usual routine and so much fun! I love seeing their little faces light up with all the new experiences. I love that we can move, dance, and be silly while learning. It is a wonderful feeling to feel like you are making a difference in a child's life, whether it is at home or somewhere around the world. I can't wait to see what new experiences and memories these next few days will bring.

Teaching at Geogetown Technical High School

The high school team of Liam Corley, Gillian Griggs, and Sarah Flaherty are teaching Spanish, Mathematics and Language Arts at Georgetown Technical High School.  They have worked closely with excellent teachers at the school, built relationships with the students, and represented the College of Education and Human Development extremely well.  More to come tonight with insights from their perspective.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Student Reflections - Gillian

Today was absolutely amazing. I am at Georgetown Technical High School where there are currently approximately 490 students in the school. I have the honor of working with two excellent teachers, Ms. Pat and Ms. Flores, from whom I have already learned a lot from about the art of teaching. A lot of their methods and styles are similar to the teaching styles exhibited in the states which shows that teaching methods and styles are universal. I was excited to have my lesson being co-taught by my teacher and myself to the Form 2 students which is the equivalent of our 10th graders. We introduced parallel lines to the students and had them identify parallel lines in their every day life. We then took a walk around the school and pointed out parallel lines that the students could see in the structures of their buildings and sidewalks. Upon returning to the classroom we were able to use a worksheet that I provided that allowed for collaborative group work between the students and a whole classroom discussion amongst the whole class. Today was great and I look forward to leading the class these next few days. The beauty of math is that it is the same and every language and even though we are separated by cultures and life styles, we are able to come together as one on this beautiful language called math. Ahhhhhh I think I just fell in love with math all over again lol. I am so grateful for this experience and look forward to more experiences to come. Oh and I'm so flattered by all the attention I've been getting. Dr. Pentecost told me that the men and boys here love women of color and she wasn't wrong. Both the girls and boys commented on how beautiful I am. Yessss these kids have great taste lol and I may have to stay a while.  Again this is amazing and I am humbled for this experience. Thank you so much to the University of Louisville and the School of Education for making this experience a  reality.

First Day Teaching at the Red Bank Primary School in Pics


Our first day teaching at Red Bank and Georgetown High School

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Student Reflections - Olivia

After viewing the Mayan Ruins, meeting the locals and a long van ride through the mountains, we finally made it to Independence, Belize. From there we departed to Georgetown High School where the students met the teachers they will be working with in the upcoming days. The teachers and UofL students enjoyed a fabulous dinner and were engaged in great conversation. The purpose of this dinner is to help everyone get to know each other and get a brief description of the days ahead. It helps to relieve any stress people may be having and makes the first day at the schools more comfortable. Looking back at my experience from last year, I loved the opportunity to meet my teacher prior to the first day in the school. It allowed me to get a sense of the students and the classroom I worked with. As the night winds down, we are putting the final touches on our lesson plans for tomorrow. I am excited to start working in the schools and watching the progression of our teams hard work.  - Olivia Kaiser

Student Reflections - Tyler

What a day! We have been up and going and having a great time. Xunantunich was absolutely beautiful. We were lucky enough to see a bit of the wildlife too, as a troop of howler monkeys had posted up in the trees at the base of the ruins. But I really thought the most special part of the evening was the meal with the teachers. Even 1600 miles from Louisville, teaching is still teaching. The teachers here struggle with the same issues in the class and outside of it. How do I keep my students engaged? How important should merit be to teacher's pay? How can I improve my teaching strategies?  It was really incredible to sit with other educational professionals from a different part of the world and still see their eyes light up when they talk about their students. We are all excited to get started tomorrow in the schools and to finally meet our students.

Daily Reflections

We began today with breakfast at Cahal Pech, our hotel from that evening. After a lovely breakfast we headed out to Xunantunich, a Mayan ruin located just outside of San Ignacio. We spent most of the morning exploring (and climbing!) a truly beautiful part of the Belizian culture. Afterwards the group headed back across the ferry and stopped by local vendors to shop for various handmade souvenirs. We then departed for lunch at the Orange Gift Shop on our way to Independence and our home for the remainder of the trip, Cardies Motel.

Our next adventure starts now! Students are currently preparing for a group dinner with the teachers they will be working with in the schools. We are meeting them all at Georgetown Technical High School for dinner and introductions. After dinner we will spend some time debriefing, preparing for our first day in the schools tomorrow, and getting some well earned rest after a long exciting day.

Mayan Ruins

One of our excursions is Xunantunich Mayan Ruins near San Ignacio.  Our morning was spent viewing and experiencing this wonder of the ancient Mayans.  Lunch now and will start the drive down to Independence our home for the week. 

Saturday, April 27, 2013

We made it safely to San Ignacio, our home for tonight.  Uneventful trip so far which is great for a long day of travel. Our awesome UL students have been great travelers and are enjoying a couple of hours of free time.  We will post some pics in a bit, but I wanted to be that you knew we were here.